Brazil, the giant of Latin America, is huge, full of diversity, and brings together some of the most amazing biomes in the world...
Barbados is an island in the Eastern Caribbean and an independent nation from the British Commonwealth....
South America
South America comprises the southern portion of America. In the 19th century, the continent had millions....
The United States
The United States is the third most visited country by international tourists in the world, behind Spain and France....
The second largest country in the world, Canada is full of tourist attractions. Much of the country's....
Located between the Indian and Pacific oceans, Oceania has exotic landscapes, a welcoming people...
Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world’s oceans and bordered by Africa to the west and Asia to the north....
The Far East
The Far East includes eastern and south eastern Asia. It is a geographical region that offers travellers....
China and Japan
Although geographically close and Japan has received great influence from China throughout its history...
Formed by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom is an island nation...